markup examples
With these examples you will get a better understanding of benefits brought by structure data, i.e., markup
1. Searching for a biology event in Google
By performing a simple search of biology events on Google, see Figure 1, we will have as a result a preview of the information about events even before going to the actual websites; information such as the date, title and description

Displayed on the website you can find the same (and more) information for the event, see Figure 2.

2. behind the scenes
Behind the scenes metadata is used by Google to understand search results. In particular, it uses markup, see below.
"name":"Synthetic Biology Congress",
"name":"Novotel London West Hotel",
"streetAddress":"Hammersmith International Ctre, 1 Shortlands, London W6 8DR",
"name":"Oxford Global Conferences Ltd",
"description":"The Synthetic Biology Congress brings together over 600 senior-level delegates representing internationally renowned research & academic institutions, clinical research institutions and pharmaceutical companies and it features over 20 case studies and presentations demonstrating the latest synthetic biology tools and their therapeutic applications."
The markup "eventStatus":"EventScheduled"
is referencing the property described on and ‘EventScheduled’ is one of the options for an EventStatusType -, see Figures 3 and 4.

Keywords: schemaorg, markup, structured data, example
- (General interest, Markup provider, Markup consumer) People interested in markup examples
License: CC-BY 4.0
Version: 3.0
Last Modified: 26 July 2021