How to review a pull request for a Bioschemas Specification
In this how-to, we will provide recommendations for reviewing a pull request on a Bioschemas specification and triggering the automated scripts for pushing it onto the website
Previous tutorial:
Create New Type
A community member has created or updated a Bioschemas specification JSON-LD file and created a pull request. Here’s how to help review and merge it, so that the website and the DDE will be updated.
Step 1 ensure you have access to the appropriate channels and repositories
- You will need access to the ‘#spec_repo_updates’ channel on slack
- You will need to be able to perform merges in the Bioschemas specification repository
- You will need to be able to perform merges in the Bioschemas website repository
Step 2 Claim the pull request
- Reply to the slack notification on the pull request to inform others that you will be reviewing it
- Assign the pull request to yourself on GitHub
Step 3 - Verify that the JSONLD schema file is working properly and that the config file is up-to-date
- Go to the branch or fork of the Bioschemas specification repository that has the Bioschemas profile JSON-LD file that is the subject of the pull request
- Does it load without error in the DDE?
- Does it have the correct hierarchy (rdfs:subclassOf)?
- Does the
have the necessary iri’s? - Only if it is a __profile: Are the constraints properly expressed in the
- Verify that the configuration file in the bioschemas website repository is up-to-date
- The configuration file needs to be updated only for brand new specifications, to update:
- Create a new branch in the Bioschemas website repository with a suitable name to identify the intended outcome of the work, e.g. for a new 0.4 draft of the “example profile” we might have draft-example-0.4.
- Find the
file. If it isn’t, add a row for the specification stating the specification name, working group name, and expected parent.- Note that the expected parent of a profile specification and type specification may be different:
- For example: parent for FormalParameter profile is expected to be bioschemastypes:FormalParameter type, but the parent for FormalParameter type is expected to be schema:Intangible
- Note that the expected parent of a profile specification and type specification may be different:
- Create a pull request from your branch to the parent branch.
- The configuration file needs to be updated only for brand new specifications, to update:
Step 4 - Merge the pull requests
- IF you edited the metadata_mapping file in Step 3:
- merge the pull request from your branch of the Bioschemas website to the parent branch.
- This will ensure that the automated script has the information needed to automatically generate html files once triggered.
- Merge the pull request for the new/updated JSON-LD file that you reviewed to the master branch of the specification repository
- This will trigger the GitHub action for automatically generating the corresponding page in the Bioschemas website.
- The GitHub action will create a new branch of the Bioschemas website with the required changes
- The branch will be named based on the date and time of when the GitHub action was triggered
- It will follow the format YYYY_MM_DD-HH_MM_SS
- The GitHub action will also automatically generate a pull request to merge the branch into master
- The branch will be named based on the date and time of when the GitHub action was triggered
- Merge the pull request that was generated by the GitHub action
Step 5 - Update the bioschemas specification in the DDE schema registry (to be automated and removed as a step)
- This step has been automated in a branch, but that branch has not been merged as it is dependant on the GitHub action in Step 4
Links and Further Reading
- Documentation on the automated JSON-LD-to-webpage conversion:
- Documentation on the automated DDE-updates:
- About JSON-LD:
- About JSON-schema:
- The FAQ for the Data Discovery Engine (DDE):
Keywords: schemaorg, markup, structured data, bioschemas
- People familiar with GitHub, JSON-LD and JSON-schema representation
License: CC-BY 4.0
Version: 0.2
Last Modified: 02 November 2022
Previous tutorial:
Create New Type