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Related communities and activities

The major advantage of markup is in making metadata readily accessible to common web tools, enabling their harvesting on a huge scale, by general and commercial indexers such as Google. Bioschemas is not alone in developing a strategy to generate a Life Science targeted, opinionated derivation of this markup. Other communities have adopted this general approach, and we provide examples below.

Science On Schema

The ESIP group has produced an evolving set of guidelines to assist with consistent implementation of scientific dataset descriptions using the vocabulary. Indeed, the work is the output of one of several groups operating in diverse domains, and targeting their own opinionated versions of, ideally and ultimately to be integrated into proper. A useful output of this group is a crosswalk between and other (and sometimes equivalent) properties expressed through other terminologies and standards. Note: other crosswalks are also available.


GeoCODES focuses on geoscience data and making it more discoverable on the Web. They are part of the science on schema initiative. They have also developed Gleaner as a toolkit for scraping the web. A prototype search service is available at EarthCube.

Learning Resources Metadata Initiative

The Learning Resources Metadata Initiative LRMI have drafted extensions to the vocabulary for marking up educational materials (summarised in this blog post). These extensions are used in the Bioschemas Course and TrainingMaterial profiles. Community Group

The W3C Community Group provide the environment for discussing extensions to the vocabulary, and its best practice for usage. The community group is chaired by Dan Brickley (Google) with a Steering Group drawn from representatives from Yahoo!, Yandex, Mircosoft, and Google.